





What is the difference between ‘The New Assessment’, The Good Conversation’ and continuous dialogue

by Danique Geskus | Sep 27, 2023

In recent years, many new methodologies have been developed to help companies revamp their traditional HR interview cycle with plan, performance, and appraisal interviews. The most well-known methodologies are: “the new assessment”, “the good conversation” and a “continuous dialogue”. Because we can imagine that by now you can’t see the forest for the trees, we have outlined the differences and similarities of these three ways of thinking.


The new assessment

The new assessment is a methodology for organizations to look at assessing employee performance in a new way. Business economist Jacco van den Berg is one of the founders of the theory of “the new assessment” and wrote a book of the same name about it. In this book, Van den Berg indicates he is not “against” assessment. However, he believes that the method of assessment could use a refresh. Key principles:

  • Focus more on the employee’s strengths.
  • Make employees accountable for their business goals and development.
  • Have an ongoing dialogue about performance and development.

One of the principles of the new assessment is to increase the frequency of interviews and move to continuous dialogue.


An ongoing dialogue and the good conversation

A ongoing dialogue involves ongoing dialogue between the manager and employee throughout the year on various topics including: goals, development and career.

One of the ways to engage in ongoing conversation is the aforementioned “good conversation. The good conversation mostly replaces the traditional plan, performance and assessment interviews. However, when we talk about continuous dialogue, we mean that the good conversations are also followed up in the interim by, for example, monthly 1:1 conversations between the manager and the employee. This ensures optimal follow-up on the established business and learning objectives in the good conversation.

Getting started yourself? At Learned, we believe that companies can grow faster if they empower their employees to do their best work. The key to this success? An ongoing dialogue. Fixed times for “the good talk” supplemented by ongoing 1:1’s to follow up on the good talk and to always be on the ball. Want to know how you can get started with the Good Talk? Download the e-guide below.


What is Learned?

Learned has been developing since 2018 a performance management tool which helps companies implement a continuous conversation cycle. Unique to the performance management software of Learned are the development conversations. Using Artificial Intelligence, it facilitates Performance Management System development conversations based on the relevant skills & competencies for the employee. Learned has already made over 100,000 development conversations easier and more effective.

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