How Blueriq uses career to make career development transparent
At Blueriq, we spoke with Tanja, HR Talent & Development Manager. The challenge Learned and Blueriq first met in 2020. Learned caught Learned's attention through the media as an innovative HR Tech Startup, and Blueriq was also looking for a solution at exactly...
How Svea Finans is using the Engagement module to gain more insight into engagement
In conversation with Marlies Oostendorp, Marketing, Communications & HR Manager at Svea Finans. The challenge For a number of years, Svea Finans has been conducting an annual Employee happiness survey (Employee happiness survey) to examine the engagement...
How E-mergo offers future prospects with more calls and training hours
The current situation - Time for a management middle layer Since the beginning of 2021, Learned has been live at E-mergo. This business intelligence specialist was founded in 2001 by current directors Aad van den Berg and Jaco Geluk. E-mergo is a...
How Marviq creates a future-proof workforce through remote coaching
"Now that the groundwork has been laid, we are looking at furnishing the Learned library with relevant training and courses to focus even more on developing digital skills next year," Dennis said. At this software specialist, teams work closely with the...
How Tensing is having better conversations and achieving more goals with Learned
The current situation - Personal development is key Tensing has been a specialist in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Location Information for over 30 years. In doing so, one thing has always remained the same: you will find the best ArcGIS and FME experts,...
How IFS Ultimo organizes a truly objective evaluation and provides transparent development areas
The challenges IFS Ultimo, specialist in Enterprise Asset Management Software, knocked on Learned's door in 2020 with the goal: professionalization and digitization in performance management. At the time, the performance process was still done on paper and there...
How Proxsys maps objective assessments and development
For Proxsys, we implemented a new HR cycle in the Learned platform. How did they experience that? We spoke with Sophie Akse, Proxsys' HR manager, who shares her experience with Learned below. (April 12, 2023) Proxsys Proxsys is an IT company founded in 2001...
How Q Backoffice made growth insightful with Learned
We have already achieved great results in a short time. The launch of the Learned platform has been a big deal, and plenty of calls have been scheduled recently. A lot of feedback is also exchanged and employees are becoming more aware of what they want to develop...
How IMPRES uses the Performance module for fair performance reviews
In conversation with Joris Hartsuiker, Head of Development at IMPRES. The challenge IMPRES, a creative digital agency, has been using Learned since 2021. When Joris Hartsuiker (Head of Development) started at IMPRES, there were no evaluation reviews. Bilas were...