




HR Dictionary

A conversation cycle with more ownership

by Danique Geskus | 08 November, 2023

Many organizations have an interview cycle consisting of planning, advance, performance and appraisal interviews. This approach is a proven success, but it can be even better by listening to the employee’s needs: having responsibility for one’s own performance and development.


How to set up the interview cycle?

Now how to set up a conversation cycle in which employees discuss and divide among themselves the work and projects resulting from department/team goals? And in such a way that their strengths are taken into account?


A roadmap for greater employee accountability


Step 1

First, identify employee strengths and development needs. You can do so using the questions below:

    • What gives me the greatest job satisfaction? What strengths are then called upon?
    • What do I want to get better at in the coming year?
    • What do I often get compliments on? What does that say about what I’m good at?


Step 2

In consultation, formulate how they divide departmental goals among themselves in such a way that their strengths can be optimally utilized and developed.

Because these steps leverage employees’ strengths and satisfy their need for autonomy, there is a good chance (almost a certainty) that they will enjoy effortlessly achieving the goals agreed upon with them. In Steps 1 and 2, the starting point is that managers provide only the objectives and the frameworks within which these are realized and the employees puzzle out for themselves how they are going to do this job.

“Employees want autonomy and freedom, but certainly also have a strong need for clarity. Providing frameworks, especially making expectations clear, allows them to focus on what actually aligns with their development. Even better is for people to set those expectations themselves,” said Kilian Wawoe, assistant professor of Human Resource Management at VU University Amsterdam.

“Employees want autonomy and freedom, but certainly also have a strong need for clarity.”


Step 3

Divide the remaining, less fun, tasks (“the corvee tasks”) fairly among the team. Because all the work must be distributed, the supervisor, although directing
is more subservient and present in the background, (somewhat) this division.


Step 4

Formulate as a manager (read: put the dots on the ‘i’, employees are already mutually
agreement) with each employee clear work-related goals and objectives to encourage and focus the employee’s personal and professional development.

With this approach, the departmental/team plan is the result of a process of co-creation by employees that is met with enthusiasm and support. Performing becomes thriving.


Want to know more?

Want to learn more about revamping your HR cycle? Also read our blog “The modern HR cycle: tips, examples and everything you need to know!”.

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